Mennonites in The Netherlands are Doopsgezinden
Eindhoven is home to a small and lively Mennonite congregation you can find under the name ‘doopsgezind’.
A different name
Mennonites in the Netherlands don’t use the name of Menno Simons. They call themselves doopsgezind’. We are all members of the worldwide anabaptist family that started in Switzerland in 1525. Conrad Grebel and Felix Mantz were (re)baptised as adults, disagreeing with practices in the Roman Catholic Church at the time.
A bit of history
Around 1500 Europe was in a turmoil when the Middle Ages turned into a new era: The Renaissance. Authority of church and emperor were challenged and new ideas were spread. When books were printed, consequently people started to read and think for themselves.
The anabaptist were persecuted because they were considered anarchists as they didn’t take an oath (and pledge to the emperor) and valued the laws of God over the laws of the emperor. If or when caught, they were brought to trial and usually received the death penalty. Or they had fled in time all over Europe and beyond, spreading out over the world. Now the times are different and in the Netherlands ‘doopsgezinden’ no longer have to meet in hidden churches, but they are free to practise their faith openly.
Service in Eindhoven
You will find Mennonites or Doopsgezinden all over the world, and you find us in Eindhoven as well.
We meet for service every Sunday in a church named the Dommelhoefkerk, located in the Dommelhoefstraat 1a, 5613 EL in Eindhoven. Everyone is welcome as of 10:15 am, the service starts at 10:30 a.m. Please note that in the center of Eindhoven parking your car is not free of charge.
As we share the weekly Sunday services with the Remonstrants and Lutherans, generally the last Sunday of each month is assigned to a Mennonite pastor. You are welcome on any Sunday, of course.
The one-hour service is spoken in Dutch and is followed by a moment in which we meet over a cup of coffee or tea. Most of our members can speak English, so don’t let language be a problem if you would like to visit us.
If you want to know more, please contact the president of our church council Mrs. Lia Vos-Welsing, or the pastor Mr. Han Cuperus tel. +31 40 304 1935